Thursday, January 19, 2012

Impacts of Google+ Integration with Search Engine Results | Small Business Odyssey

Google is Integrating Google+ With Search Engine Results

google+ concentric circles

Google is changing the whole landscape of Internet search through integration of Google+ with organic and paid search results.

A number of prominent Internet marketers have reported recently that they are seeing this integration of Google+ in the search results and have screenshots to prove it.  Mike Brooks, for example, shows a screenshot where a number of paid search results are shown above the organic search results, but on the right hand side are the results from Google+:

This change by Google to give prominence to its new social network, Google+, has major implications for small business marketing and affiliate marketing. As Bill Guthrie points out, 'Google+ is now mandatory'. If you are not in Google+, you will see your search engine results decline because Google's latest move changes the face of SEO. In this blog post, I explore the implications for small business marketing and offer suggestions about how to take advantage of Google+ and its future integration into search engine results. I also propose a new way of looking at Internet marketing which is illustrated by the image above. This particular post is one of a series of posts on Google Plus..

Monday, January 9, 2012

Small Business Marketing Through the Squidoo Search Engine | Small Business Odyssey

Squidoo is a Search Engine!: Implications for Small Business Marketing

squidoo - search engine

Squidoo is a search engine in its own right with other 2.5 Million lenses focused on key topic areas.   Even experienced lensmasters tend to forget this aspect of Squidoo.

As Squidoo grows so does its data base of information.  So if you are searching for information on specific topics, you will increasingly find quality, focused information by searching Squidoo.

It's often easy to overlook the fact that Squidoo is a search engine in its own right as well as a marketing platform. One of the drivers behind the development of Squidoo was the desire to produce quality search results. So if you search on a topic on the site, you should come up with some quality information rather than a list of ads or lots of post lifted from elsewhere.

Squidoo has introduced an Originality Pact to reinforce their desire to have lensmasters produce quality, unique content that readers will value. In fact, in these days of Google's algorith changes, originality will be the key to survival of Squidoo and other related sites.

The implication for small business marketing is that the quality of you lenses brands you and your small business. You are branded by other lensmasters, by Google and Squidoo itself - in other words you are given a "value" in the eyes of these stakeholders. If you want people to return to your lenses and visit other Squidoo lenses of yours, you need quality and originality. In a previous blog post, I spoke of the ways you can market your small business on Squidoo and develop lenses with these desired qualities.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Many Ways to Market Your Small Business on Squidoo | Small Business Odyssey

The Many Ways to Market Your Small Business on Squidoo

Merit Solutions Australia

 Squidoo, as a multimedia platform, offers many ways to engage in small business marketing.  You are really only limited by your imagination so it is well worthwhile visiting Squidoo to see how other lensmasters market their small businesses.

Discusses key ways to market your small business on Squidoo. Explains how to start by building your personal profile on Squidoo and then by telling the story of your small business with appropriate images and illustrations. Moves onto explaining how to create a Squidoo lens about your overall product /service offerings and then how to create lenses for individual products or services. Two other key ways are explained - introducing your staff in a lens and developing lenses about the local area of your business. The blog post provides examples and illustrations and shows what modules are best suited for each purpose discussed. This is a comprehensive post about your options for small business marketing on Squidoo.